Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Non caffeinated pick me ups.

Morning coffee is a new thing for me, since the summertime. It takes me two hours to finish a cup. 

My morning routine does not exist. I love the feeling of waking up, laying in bed as the morning sunshine streams through the half-open blinds of my bedroom bay window. 

Then I sleep for another hour. 

After a couple hours of coffee and writing, I found myself standing in the middle of my bedroom feeling low on emotional energy. 

Sometimes I chastise myself for not fully appreciating everything I have.

The problems of the past don’t exist. I’ve made choices to better my life but it doesn’t stop here. 

Every day I need to build a little bit more onto the life I’ve made for myself. 

But in these moments where I need a fix, a jolt, a dash of joy, what do I do?

Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that I meditated or did yoga poses that open my 3rd eye. 

I asked myself what sounds like fun on a warm sunny Tuesday?

French toast with strawberries and bacon at my favourite diner. 

Ooh-cheap ticket Tuesday at the movie theatre. 

I got a call from a friend and we chatted for half an hour. Then I spent an hour getting ready because I enjoy grooming myself. 

I sat in the oversized booth of the diner, the smiling waitress took my order and I gazed out the window. 

The smell of food being grilled and the sounds of surrounding conversation made me think of my college days.

I’d sit in a similar diner and write in my journal. 

After devouring my plate of french toast and bacon, I went to the mall. The bookstore was already promoting Christmas decor. 

I don’t celebrate but I’m getting a tall, white tree this year and saw numerous glittery ornaments I want. 

I then made the mistake of going into Pottery Barn. Luckily I walked out with only a few candles and a plan to buy blankets on Black Friday. 

On the way into the mall, I was approached by a young teen asking for spare change. 

Depending on the vibe I get from the person, sometimes I give money. I didn’t feel OK with digging into my purse at that particular moment and so I didn’t stop. 

My rule of thumb is-my safety comes first. Always.

The movie started and to my surprise, it was set in San Francisco. So I spent two hours enjoying shots of the Golden Gate Bridge and cable cars and the steep streets lined with townhouses that I obsess over. 

Oh and Tom Hardy wasn’t bad to look at either. 

I bought a pumpkin and some flowers for my kitchen table. 

Pumpkin photos will be saved for next week. 

I enjoyed my day out. 

I’ve been writing articles for an online publication-it’s members-only but I write similar to how I write my blog. It’s a way to make some money without putting ads up. 

This morning I woke to a bunch of comments and validation that my writing is reaching some people. 

It was a boost to keep me motivated to write. A lot of times, I’m motivating myself with visions of my future life. 

But when other people tell me they identify with what I write or they share their own thoughts, I feel nice. Interaction with my writing is awesome. 

I’ll tell you something-aside from all the things I tell you anyway-writing is one thing, building an audience is another. 

Engaging with other writers, reading their work, commenting on their work and sharing my experiences on the topics they write about is what’s giving me an audience. 

I’m reading as much as I’m writing. Good thing I’ve decided to hibernate this winter. 

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper 
Almost an Author 
Former Fantastic Violinist 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Money talks with my nephews

One evening when my nephews were over to visit, we were watching a movie and suddenly the oldest boy whispers something to his little brother and they run upstairs to my guest room. 

Several minutes later, they come back down and sit side by side on the oversized ottoman I have in the bay window. 

" We have something to tell you," says nephew #2.  Nephew #1 is looking a bit nervous. 

"What did you break?" I ask. The kids have never broken anything in all their years staying over so I'm not too concerned. 

"Nothing," says nephew #1.  " It's just...." he trails off.  

"OK, now you're scaring me," I say as I'm trying not to laugh.

" It's nothing bad," says his little brother. "He doesn't really know how to ask."

"Ask me what??" 

Nephew #1 looks like he is about to puke. 
" You know how we saw those toys we really liked at the mall?"

"Yes," I reply. 

Silence follows. Nephew #2 is sitting on his hands, glancing at his brother.

" Well, I've never seen them before.... and our parents probably won't know to go to that store and get them....................." nephew #1 stammers. 

Nephew #2 decides to step in to give his brother a break. 

 "We were thinking that instead of buying us something next time we come to visit, you could buy us that toy now."

My inner reaction was laughter, I thought something serious had happened. 

Being an aunt, I could totally run back to the mall and buy them whatever.
However, I had already let them each get a new toy and we had gone to the wave pool two days in a row and I bought them an app to make videos. 
I took a moment to think before speaking.

“It’s not that I don’t want you to have that toy,” I said.
“ I’m pretty sure you will get it. The thing is, I have to pay a lot of money at the end of the month for this nice place I live in.”

“Oh, OK,” both boys said in unison. They sounded oddly upbeat.

“ Are you guys OK with that?” I asked

“Yes,” they replied.

We then returned to watching the movie.

I don’t like saying “No” to them. 

Because kids hear rejection all the time. My nephews know that I don’t buy them everything they want either.

They get to choose something they feel excited about. This wasn’t the first time my oldest nephew has tried to negotiate extra stuff.

The older they get, the more they will try, I’m sure.

What occurred to me at that moment was I needed to remind them that I have financial obligations that are important.
They had no problem with me choosing to pay my rent over a toy.

I make an effort to speak in positive terms about money, most days.

It’s not about pretending I have more money than I actually do.

For me, it’s about using money to take care of my basic needs in a manner that suits me. I don’t complain about the bills because I enjoy everything I have.

I’d much rather be seen as responsible than frivolous in the eyes of my nephews. They have asked me how much it costs to have a car and how much I have to pay to live where I do.
And I tell them.

They know when they come to visit, they get to pick out their own food, we go to the mall, we go swimming and rent movies.

 It’s important to me that they enjoy coming to visit.
It’s also important to my brother that his kids get out of the house from time to time.

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper 
Almost an Author 
Former Fantastic Violinist 

Click for all the childfree links!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Is the road to Heaven paved with diapers?

From birth, I grew up in a home that was heavily influenced by a nameless religion that holds church services in the homes of its congregation. 

Don’t write unless you are prepared to be honest. Because in telling your story, certain things have to come out that you perhaps hoped would remain buried in the past.

The scene opens in a regular living room

15 or so folding chairs are set up in a circle, along with a couch and an easy chair. In the middle of the room is a coffee table with a small dish of bread and a glass of grape juice. 

On the couch sits a woman in her late 20’s, with 3 children and maybe a baby in a car seat on the floor.

 She also has a large diaper bag filled with books and quiet toys and a container filled with dry Cheerios used to bribe the young kids to sit still. 

Each person in the room holds a bible and a hymn book.

Songs are sung, prayers are made and each person over the age of 5 takes a turn standing up to read a chosen passage from the bible, along with their personal thoughts.

Now it’s the young mother’s turn to speak. 

30 minutes into the service and the baby has been non-stop fussing.

 The 2-year-old spilled Cheerios everywhere and the 5-year-old twins have decided to take turns hitting themselves in the head with their mini bibles. 

Another woman sitting nearby graciously takes the wailing baby so the mother 
can struggle to get up off the couch.

 She adjusts her wrinkled, floor-length cotton skirt and tries to spit out her testimony in between a fit of tears.

A flurry of fistfights between her kids breaks out behind her. 

I’m 7 years old and watching this woman as she sobs about the “struggle to maintain a pure heart” while dealing with everyday life.

 Her husband is away, working to support the family. 

I think to myself
“Is this what my life is going to be like, as a woman?”   

Since I had to attend 3 church services a week, I witnessed this scenario at least once every 7 days. 

                                                                         Me at age 7

 I'm not a big believer in fate. I believe in the power of decision.

As a young girl, I may not have had the words to say exactly what I felt but I knew that I didn't want to become that woman with the 4 kids.

I removed myself from that religion, focusing solely on my music studies and a career.

When I did get into relationships, I made it perfectly clear that children were not an option. 

My immediate circle of trusted friends and family have always supported my choice. But everyday society does not. 

As I connect with more and more people who have chosen not to have kids, we discuss how isolating the experience is overall.  

I don't begrudge anyone for having children. 

What I do have an issue with is-certain people who feel that life is worthless unless you are a parent. 

But what I have come to learn is those people who are most insecure about their choice to raise kids, try the hardest to convince me I'm missing out. 

A lot of belittlement happens and it is not OK. I'm not trying to convince anyone that my choice is better. 

I am speaking out to hopefully help someone who is feeling suffocated by the avalanche of procreation pressure from society. 

More importantly, I'm living my life how I want to because being all talk and no action helps no one.

Have a lovely day, 

LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper
Almost an Author
Former Fantastic Violinist

Click for all the childfree links!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Is being childfree a good investment?

I’ve entered the phase of analysis paralysis when it comes to writing about being childless/childfree by choice.

Not because I have nothing to say. There’s no end in sight on this topic.

The challenge is how do I get my message across without sounding like a bully?

This is a topic I will discuss later, how women with children bully other women without children. 

I have not published in two days and I can’t worry about offending the odd parent who reads this because they have been forewarned this blog is pro childfree. 

Exploring the long term and short term childfree life.

I’m a long term planner by nature. When people with children say things to me like 

You’ll regret not having kids later”


“ Don’t you want to be a grandma?”

I can appreciate their concern for my future wellbeing.  

That’s a nice way of me saying they are just trying to lay down a guilt trip for not sharing their current suffering. 

In my 35 years of living, I have come to be aware that short term goals are just as important as long term goals. 

I used to think only the long-term was important. 

I spent 20 years practicing piano and violin, thinking it was the only thing I would do my entire life. 

And then I didn’t want to do it anymore. I had never developed other interests. So I struggled for a few years. It sucked. 

Never, during that time, did I think that having a child would help the situation. Now that I have a clearer vision for my life, having a child would not help me accomplish my long term or short term goals. 

I live in a country where I have freedom and access to anything I want. 

I have followed my instincts and taken nearly 2 years' time off from a 9-5 job to just enjoy life and get in touch with myself.  

What do I like? Who am I at 35 and what kind of life do I wish to create for myself? 

Writing has been happening in the background since I turned 31, and I thought I would have to publish a novel first before I could write about what’s important to me.

Here is where society’s elevation of parenthood infuriates the childfree/childless community. 

Any contribution to humanity is considered second-rate to the experience of raising a human. 

People look at their children as validation of their own existence. Without their kids, who would they be? What would they be doing?

I understand this feeling. I looked at my music the same way. 

When I stopped working as a musician, I suffered a massive and heartbreaking identity crisis. 

But I went out and lived life and discovered other talents and interests that have propelled me forward in a way I never imagined.

What I’ve learned in life is that the things we thought were going to give us a future, oftentimes only take us part way and then hand us off to something better. 

Being elderly no longer means sitting in an old folks' home waiting for your kids to make their yearly visit. 

I think one of the greatest powers one can have is to boldly live life now and create something magical for humanity that will also allow for a comfortable life in the future. 

Have a lovely day,

LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper 
Almost an Author 
Former Fantastic Violinist 

Monday, October 15, 2018

The legacy guilt trip for non parents.

“What kind of legacy can you possibly leave behind, if you don’t have kids?”    

“Having children was the single greatest thing I have ever done. That will be my legacy.”

Non-parents hear this sentiment all the time. Usually made by well-meaning friends and family. 

Other times, it’s made with such fanatical fervor by a defensive parent that you can practically feel your ovaries being twisted until you agree to have kids.

Jane Austen never had children and her novels are still selling and inspiring hit movies. 
She also died in 1817.

Many people have kids. Very few people create something original that goes on to inspire generations. 

“But what if you gave birth to someone who goes on to change the world? Do you want to deny the world ?”

I’ve had someone say that to me. More than once. 

Why can’t I be the person who changes the world or at least creates something that inspires change? 

I’m only 35 and have a lot of creative endeavors I want to pursue. I cannot say what my legacy will be, yet.

I’ve always gone after what I want in life. Regardless of how impossible it may seem.

 What I have or don’t have, speaks for itself

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper
Almost an Author
Former Fantastic Violinist 

Friday, October 12, 2018

A Crazy Rich Asian Star Is Born -movie review

Imagine the most opulent celebrity-Royal wedding and then multiply that by 1000

Go watch Crazy Rich Asians and tell me that wedding scene didn’t make your jaw drop. 

CRA-the movie, not Canada’s tax office, is everything I go to the movie theatre for. The film starts off in the real world and quickly transports you First Class to Singapore. 

I found the fashion to be technically more forward in any Sex and the City episode than in this movie. 

But the style of the actors, the story, the setting, the dialogue-this film is a heartwarming, witty and oh so glamorous experience. 

I have to go see it again, I get so caught up in looking at everything that I sometimes miss the dialogue. That’s not the movie’s fault, it’s a quirk of mine. 

I felt like I was back in Vegas. Eyeball overload.

I can’t do a real review where I point out plot holes and dissect acting choices. 

However.....A Star Is Born had a slower pace and more grit to it which gave me time to really watch the acting. 

I had no interest in watching this movie, initially. 

Winter of 2016, actually I think it was New Years because I had two days off in a row-back in those days I worked 50 hours a week. 

Anyway, I was in the mountains and listening to Lady Gaga do an interview with Howard Stern-who is hands down the best celebrity interviewer. 

She was talking about working on this new movie with Bradley Cooper-A Star Is Born.  I have never seen any previous version but I’m familiar with the story and it’s not one that I really care for. 

So, flash forward to now, the reviews were so stellar at TIFF-Toronto International Film Festival, that I had to see for myself. 

My reasoning-it’s likely to be nominated for several Oscars this year and since I watch every nominated film every year, I’d be seeing it anyway. 

Lady Gaga will win Best Actress. 

Unless Meryl Streep or ....nah...

You see Lady Gaga’s natural face and natural soul, in my opinion. 

The movie made me sad, and it was a much rougher feeling film than I was expecting. Not overly glam but Bradley Cooper’s directing really takes you behind the scenes so you feel as though you are right there in the thick of it. 

I think he makes a better director than an actor. 

What speaks to me the most-is the real life passion that Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga bring to this movie. 

I remember watching Bradley in the TV show Alias back in 2001. There is also that famous clip on YouTube of him asking Robert De Niro a question when Bradley was a film student. 

They have since acted together in Silverlining’s Playbook and American Hustle. 

Bradley Cooper has come a long way and I respect anyone who has worked hard to get where they are. 

Lady Gaga-I’ve been listening to her music since 2008 and to see her evolve from over the top entertainer to critically acclaimed actress-which has been her dream all along, is pretty cool.

I mean she is the godmother to Elton John’s children-I can’t even imagine. 

There are a dozen superficialities I could discuss about awards and fans and all the stuff the comes with celebrity but my point is-

Watching someone achieve their dream, after years and years of hard work is freakin inspiring to me.

I look at my own big dreams and I realize that while I want the results now, I have to work and develop as a person and as a creative soul in order to get where I’m going.  

Why do you think I’m blogging?

Writing practice. 

Can I build an audience? Can I hold your attention? Do I feel exhilarated as I write? What else can I do?

The daily grind of whatever we choose to do can make you want to quit sometimes and do something easier. 

I bet that’s how parenthood feels. But in those moments when everything goes right, you go, “ya it’s worth it”.

That’s how I feel about my creative goals. Right now it feels like an impossible mountain to climb.  

I bet that’s how everyone contributing to these two films felt. 

But the end results are fabulous. And that’s enough to inspire me.

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper 
Almost an Author
Former Fantastic Violinist 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Living Openly Childfree

Being openly childfree has connected me to some super awesome people. Not just online, but in real life, which is not something to take for granted these days.

While most people who know me have a clear understanding that I won’t be having children, I never really discussed the matter with strangers. Like most childfree people, I figured it’s none of their business.

And it’s true. It isn’t.

However, my personality is one that wants to express and express loudly. To stay silent on a topic that means more and more to me as the days go by, felt wrong. 

I’ve always felt out of place and it dawned on me that since I’m already living a "not normal" life and possess this "hear me roar" attitude-why not talk about being childfree.

No one else is. 

Any person who doesn’t have kids is aware of all the standard responses that people with children spew out.

Plus all the unsolicited advice. 

I used to have a bunch of responses handy to use, depending on the person spewing.

Now, I hand out business cards that have “childfree lifestyle” written on the back. 

I don’t enjoy small talk so if I’m out anywhere and someone starts a conversation with me, it’s going to get deep real fast. 

As a woman, I get asked about my kids all the time.

“ I have chosen to be childfree,” I say, with pride.

The conversation then goes whichever direction it’s gonna go. But here’s the thing....

There’s always someone listening

Most of the time, the initial conversation is between me and a person who has kids.  I state my choice to be childless for the benefit of someone else within earshot. 

What’s happening is someone will come up to me after and tell me that they too are childfree or thinking about it. 

I’m learning that my natural blabbermouth tendencies can be of service to others in this particular area. Occasionally, a female celebrity such as Oprah or Tracee Ellis Ross or Jennifer Aniston will speak up about not having children. 

But it’s rarely a major topic of continuous discussion. And I need this continuous discussion. Because it’s valid and important.

When 99.9% of society is geared towards furthering the human race, it’s easy to get caught up in the commonplace.  It looks happy and there is a great community-a place to belong.

I suppose because I have never felt like I belong anywhere, it’s easier for me to embrace my differences as a childfree woman and speak out. I feel happier and full of purpose since I began writing and sharing my stories. 

I interact with strangers on a different level, because we all just want to be heard and seen. We all want our choices to be validated and honestly, with all the shit that people are talking about these days, being childfree is still not mainstream.

It’s not considered normal. To be fair, it isn’t normal. And that’s OK. I was not meant to be normal. 

I have the ability and desire and resources to create my own platform, to help and connect with others who feel strongly that parenthood is not for them

I’ve asked my aunts and various other childfree relatives about their own experiences. I scour the Internet for other women and men who don’t want children. There are many out there. Some have created blogs and podcasts like  Childfree Loudmouths . 

It’s a very tiny market right now. But it’s growing. 

There are enough children being brought into this world. Those who do not want children have the time and resources to create things that can help the younger generations flourish.

It’s not about being selfish. I am not afraid to be forgotten, I don’t hold the illusion that my kids would look after me in my old age because they wouldn’t. 

Not everyone wants to have kids. There is a place for all of us. And we get to live great lives.  

Even if it doesn’t involve babies. 

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper 
Almost an Author 
Former Fantastic Violinist 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Today is cancelled because of snow

Do you ever have those days when you wake up full of energy with fun plans for the day and then look out the window and crawl back into bed?

Ah, October on the prairies=snow and horrid traffic.

My plans for today’s post was going to be a review of the new movie A Star Is Born. 

However, one look out my lovely townhouse bedroom bay window and I decided to indulge in a fantasy of staying home and watching endless television.

I’ve done this before, as a result of having a tooth extraction and dental implant surgery but it’s much more enjoyable pain-free.

I still go to the movie theatre. I love the movie theatre. 

I was 13 the first time I went to a movie theatre. I lied to my mom and said I was going to spend the afternoon at my friend’s house. My friend and I went to our local small-town movie theatre and watched Twister. This was 1996.

It was the best thing ever.

Editor's note: said movie theatre way too many times in that last paragraph. 

At 16, I stopped going to church with my parents and instead of the weekly Bible study they hosted every Wednesday, I’d go to the movie theatre. Doesn’t matter what movie was playing, I was there. 

Since then, the theatre is where I go, alone, to relax and sometimes process thoughts in the dark.

I didn't leave my house today. I'm working on my website I received some important business advice-never build a business on the back of someone else's algorithm. 

Meaning-as much as Facebook is helping me get the word out on my Childfree by choice blog, I need to own my own website where I have complete control over what happens.  My best writing will be posted directly on my site. I will use social media to help spread the word.

In the next two years, the site will feature my published novels and original music as well as my blog and animated short videos. 

This is my piece of the internet where I have complete creative freedom. It's a large project, especially when I'm in the early stages, but I'm only relying on myself and my creative brain and I am aware of what I'm capable of. 

The biggest lesson I have learned 
When you have the feeling of what is possible, it takes a minute for your real life to catch up with that feeling. 

Example- I'm feeling that my life is heading in an exciting direction because I'm writing. I don't know exactly what the next 10 years will look like but it feels right.  In reality, I have 50 people a day reading my posts. Not always the same 50 people either. 50 is a very tiny number. 

Obviously, I'm not earning money from writing, and that's on purpose. It's not time yet. I want it to be time, but it's not. I'm building something. No great movie is ready for viewing the moment the idea hits the paper. 

In the short term, hopefully, this time tomorrow I'm writing a glowing review of A Star Is Born. 

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper
Almost an Author
Former Fantastic Violinist

Friday, October 5, 2018

Being a childfree aunt

Friday, Thanksgiving long weekend, noon, six-car pileup on the freeway.

There is only one reason why I’d leave the comfort of my lovely townhouse to sit in standstill traffic for 45 minutes. 

Actually, two reasons.

90 minutes later, I arrive at my brother’s house. My 8-year-old nephew needs assistance with packing so we sift through socks and t-shirts. His 12-year-old brother is all ready to go.

We talk about school and Halloween as we make our way to the large outlet mall. After an hour of shopping, we’ve had enough and fight traffic all the way home. 

What’s cool is that both kids don’t like crowds so when we hang out, it’s pretty low key. Lazy days at home, playing with whatever action figures they are into at that moment, laughing at silly YouTube videos and watching movies. 

Occasionally we go outdoors. 

I love it when they freely share their thoughts. I learned years ago not to bombard the boys with questions about school and life in general. 

When they start the conversation, that’s when I get all the juicy details. 

More than spoiling my nephews with gifts, it’s about listening to them tell me whatever it is they want to tell me.

 We discover that we share common thoughts and feelings. The 8-year-old tells me he is learning cursive writing and doesn’t like it. I told him I was a messy writer and cursive was a challenge for me. 

“Me too! I’m messy” he pipes up as he demonstrates in the air how he draws an ‘A’.

We’ve discussed how we handle being angry. How important having alone time is. Sleep issues, money issues, future goals. 

The boys know I don’t want children. They are cool with that. They know when they come to visit me, we actually visit. I’m down on the floor playing Halo and LEGO, even though I have no clue what I’m doing. 

And sometimes, like right now, they disappear into my guest room-their room-and play together. So I’m writing this very late post because I aim to give them my full attention when they want it. 

Connecting with these two humans has developed naturally. I really didn’t know the scope of being an aunt at first. 

Something that people with children tell me- as a way of trying to convince me to have my own kids- “I never knew I could love this much until...”

What they don’t tell me is that they didn’t know how much they could be angry and heartbroken and fearful and guilt-ridden and all of the other intense emotions parents feel for the remainder of their lives. 

As the years pass, my nephews become more important to me. They do add greatly to my life. This was definitely a role meant for me. It suits me, it gives me the best of both worlds. 

I do hope that they remain strong and healthy and grow to be good humans while I am on this earth. I remember once watching them play outside while I was over to visit my brother.

I thought “oh, I hope they look both ways when they cross the street and nothing happens to them.”

At that moment I got a taste of what parents feel, the constant worry. 

I wouldn’t want that, along with the many aspects of parenthood that people fail to mention as they goad me about my childfree choice.

I noticed something, the ones that try the hardest to convince me to be a parent are the ones that are the least satisfied with their choice. 

Most parents, now, give me a list of reasons why I have made a smart decision. It’s both awesome and hilarious. 

For whatever reason-aside from the fact that unprotected sex occurred- I have two kids that are related to me by blood and are the closest thing to being my own and I am happy to be a supporting figure in their lives. 

I’ve gotten to see them learn to walk, learn to talk, develop artistic abilities and humour. I get to provide a fun space for them to visit and have adventures away from home.

Sometimes people ask who is going to remember me if I don’t have kids. 

There is much that is wrong with that question but to keep things short, I say the names of my nephews.

Parenthood guarantees nothing. Having children out of fear is not for me. I don’t aunt out of fear. 

I aunt because it’s fun and I have fantastic examples of how my supporting relatives played a vital part in my upbringing. 

And I maintain my freedom to live my life how I want. 

This weekend I will be cooking for 3, breaking up some minor fights, reminding boys not to pee on the toilet seat so much and watching more cartoons than I usually do.  

Who am I kidding, I watch just as many cartoons when they aren’t here. And then I will take them home, return to my organized house and carry on with my happily childfree life until the next visit. 

Have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper 
Almost an Author 
Former Fantastic Violinist