Thursday, August 9, 2018

Lessons from famous people Part 3

Who doesn’t love a good celebrity memoir for $10?   

Summer sales at Indigo are the best. 

I love watching the Academy Awards. That’s my Super Bowl. I basically watch every nominated movie I can find in the weeks leading up to the broadcast.

I cast my prediction ballot and then yell at the TV when they give the Oscar to the wrong actor.

I still think Denzel Washington should have won for The Hurricane instead of Kevin Spacey for American Beauty. 

Actually, I think the Academy would have no problem reversing that win now. 


Anna Kendrick- Oscar-nominated actress, singer and genuinely hilarious person- paints a killer behind-the-scenes image of award shows.

Like stuffing herself into a bathroom stall while wearing designer couture and trying to pee. 

Next time I see Reese Witherspoon or Meryl on the red carpet, that’s what I’ll be thinking about.

Guys really have it easy. Just whip it out already. 

I like it when famous people talk about money. 

How they spend it, save it, throw it away on ridiculous cars and equally ridiculous long lost family members. 

What I find to be most fascinating is how they live during the moment when their star begins to rise. 

#1 Movie at the box office - their book is suddenly on the bestseller list-their song has gone straight to #1 on the charts. 

Big celebration. 

And then, they get into their 2003 Toyota Echo with its back bumper held together by duct tape and head home to their 2 bedroom apartment that they share with 4 other roommates and a 5th one moving into the bathtub next week. 

Anna spills all the goods on her early days. It's a very funny read that makes you feel OK with where ever you are in life.  Good days and bad days exist for even the most A list.

Stars, they're just like us!

                     Me all glam on my 35th birthday.

The one thing I have in common with Miss Anna Kendrick-Oscar nominated actress, singer and genuinely hilarious person- is that I too feel like a misfit

Always slightly on the outer edges. 

 I've become comfortable and confident in my weirdness. I think something snapped in 7th grade when I found myself in another new city- new school-new people. 

From then on, I hung with various groups but they never felt like my people. 

I love my tiny social circle.  It's not even a circle, really it's an abstract splotch.

My lovely, tiny, social abstract splotch. 

In fact, I'm leaving for a road trip in the morning to visit part of that splotch. Chances are by the time this has been posted, we'll be sitting on the couch laughing at this. It's after midnight now, I'm a bit behind schedule. 

Having a creative outlet saved my life. It truly did. Music was something that came naturally to me and I played my little heart out. 

When you are young and other kids suddenly point out all the ways you are different from most of the group, it really sucks. 

And I will admit, when I got to be part of a group where I wasn't the weirdo, it felt good to point out someone else's oddness. For a moment. 

I grew up in an environment where I was expected to follow a lifestyle designed by the bible. I just remembered the moment when my parents gave me my first bible. I think I was 9. It was during the annual summer convention we attended. 

The brand new bible had gold trim along the top and bottom of the pages and I loved that shiny gold trim. It says somewhere in the Old Testament about the dangers of worshiping golden idols. 

I think I was always a lost cause.  I never quite fit into that group either. I tried, very hard. Didn't work.

You know how I spent my latest birthday? My 35th?

Well I can't tell you what I did on my birthday, after all I was in Vegas.... but yes, I treated myself to 8 days in Vegas, by myself.

It never occurred to me to invite anyone along.

 I thought, 

"Hey, for the first time ever, I'm not working on my birthday. I have a free schedule, money, what should I do?"

I got glammed up every day, drank every day--except for the one day I went to the Grand Canyon.  I drink maybe once every 3 or 4 weeks so I'm a lightweight.  I bought a case of Corona last October and I finally finished it in May of this year. 

But I did Vegas in style. By myself for a week. I loved every second of it. OK, maybe not the part where I locked myself out of my room safe at 1 in the morning on the day I had to be at the airport, but every other second.

Embracing my misfitness has enhanced my independent nature. I travel alone, live alone, dine out alone, my 2nd favorite thing is to go to the movie theatre. Oh, how I love doing that. It deserves its own post. 

The first favorite is, of course, road trips. 

See my Driving Miss LeNora post

Whenever I encounter a younger person who is struggling, as we all do, I tell them  " just get to your 30's. It gets better."

Not that suddenly after 30, I became normal and started fitting in, no. 

What appeared was the courage to say out loud

 " You know, instead of this, I really want to do this. And here is why..."

And the little things that once looked like such enormous obstacles, don't look so big anymore. 

10 years ago, I wouldn't have wanted to spill all of my inner thoughts out for anyone to read. I didn't even want to put my original music online for fear that someone wouldn't like it. I did anyway, but with great reservation. 

This whole "Almost an Author" persona- for a minute, I felt "well I can't contribute my two cents until I have published something to prove that I am a writer and then people will want to read my work. 

Two minutes later, I created this blog as a way to publish my own insights and let everyone the world over read for free and if they like it, wonderful. If not, I won't die. 

That is my difference between 20 and 30.

What actually matters, is not the opinion of my readers-as much as I love you for reading this. 

It's how I feel about what I'm doing as I'm doing it. Whether it be music or writing or road trips or going to the movies.

It makes me smile. I am expressing my inner self, enjoying as I create and experience the beauty and inspiration that surrounds me. 

And with that, I have to sign off now. I managed to get 6 hours of sleep midway through this post but now it's time to shower and head out on the road. 

May you have a lovely day.


LeNora Faye
Bitchy Bookkeeper
Almost an Author
Former Fantastic Violinist

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